2012 Week 21: A memorable Memorial weekend.

Z’s parents finally got to see Puppet Bike in action! Puppet Bike is the absolute best thing about Chicago. It fills Z and I with so much JOY!

I am still resetting. There was a work event on Tuesday night that was fun to be a part of. Got to see a sneak peek of Moonrise Kingdom. Had a great time with Z’s parents in town for the weekend. Went out to lots of tasty places to eat. Went on the Chicago Architectural Foundation River Cruise. Walked around a LOT. Somehow I’m at my lowest weight again, even after putting all of this food into my belly. Huzzah! Z’s parents wanted to buy us a patio set as an engagement present and today Z and I went to Home Depot and picked one out. According to our landlord, there may/may not be a wounded raccoon in our enclosed back porch, so the boxes are in the living room for the moment. I hope we can put the set together tomorrow and that animal control confirms the raccoon is gone. On Sunday, we went to an excellent bbq which left me with a headache all morning and required two naps to kick. I have always been a big fan of naps.

I really need to start creating new things. So far this year, I’ve been rejected from two craft fairs; Constructor (Berwyn, IL), which is not all that surprising, but I didn’t get into one of my favorite shows ever; Coterie (Chicago, IL) at Pitchfork. The truth is, I am not wholly surprised at that either as I have not made anything new since the winter fair season. I always take a hiatus after the holidays, but I can’t let the negative things that have happened so far this year weigh me down creatively. If anything, I need to use those as a diving board into making new opportunities. Gotta get my creativi-twee back up to par so I can apply to DIY Trunk Show and Renegade Craft Fair Chicago with the vim and vigor I usually have.

Films watched 21st week of the year:

Chemerical: Redefining Clean for a New Generation*
Temple Grandin
Moonrise Kingdom
Carnage (Polanski)
The Iron Lady
Revenge of the Nerds
Pirahna (2010)


Moonrise Kingdom was definitely the most enjoyable and may be tied with The Royal Tenenbaums for my fave Wes Anderson film now. The font may tip it over the top. Actually, I just found out it was HAND LETTERED by one Jessica Hische. AMAZING. Now it definitely wins. Also, I don’t remember Revenge of the Nerds being so g-d creepy with the videotaping scene where they “got even with the Pis” and the rape scene. A quick google search finds that a lot of others feel the same way. It is really hard to believe that this was okay in the 80’s. I feel like if this movie was released today, it would be fought tooth and nail.

2012 Week 20: one step forward. forward thinking.

La De Blog - RWT Booth Set-Up @ Urban Folk Circuit (Schubas)

I accomplished some good things this week, but there were moments that I realized I had been staring into space thinking about losing Jeff. His death helped put things into perspective for me and I am going to try to take positive steps forward for myself and those that I love.

  • Prepared duck (roasted duck breast) for the first time.
  • Made chocolate cake and chocolate buttercream frosting from scratch.
  • Planted my container garden.
  • Went to Dan Cordinated’s balloon-filled birthday party.
  • Did my first craft fair of the year (Urban Folk Circuit @ Schubas)
  • Got to hang out with some awesome ladies at Urban Folk Circuit: Mother of Hermes and Red Ava
  • Did a whole lot of Tilda training.
  • Films watched 20th week of the year:
    Drive Angry
    The Avengers
    Bomb It*

    2012 Week 19: “well, everyone must die; it’s true, but first we get to live. don’t ever, ever forget to live.”

    The quote is from one of my very favorite Jason Anderson songs, El Paso. It has been running through my head a lot this week.

    My friend Jeff Barszcz took his own life on Tuesday. Processing his death has taken a lot out of me even though this news did not come as a surprise. Jeff was battling with depression as long as I had known him, but I knew he had been depressed long before that. A few friends and I had, I believe, helped pull him out of it before. Before I moved to Chicago, Jeff was one of my very best friends. I often called him Jeffers. I was quite fond of his cat Wally, whom he often called Mister. He deeply loved his cats. He had a real connection with them. When my first hedgehog Hoggle died, I went into a deep depression over the loss of the first pet Zachary and I had. Hoggle was the first pet either of us owned outside of our family pets. A lot of friends did not know how to respond to me losing Hoggle, but because Jeff knew the deep pain I felt, he sent me this e-mail:

    Hi. I’m really sorry about Hoggle. I know exactly how you feel, but please don’t blame yourself. You loved him and that’s all that matters. I spent over $2500 in vet bills trying to save Wally and I still kept thinking about what else I could have done, but you know what? I loved him so much and I tried my best. So did you with Hoggle. He was lucky to have someone like you to care for him. He’s in your heart forever.

    Hang in there. It will get better.


    It is heartbreaking because I feel like I could have sent most of this e-mail that he had sent me to my other friends who tried very hard to save Jeff. Since moving away from the DC area in 2003, I had not gotten to see Jeff a lot, but the times we did get to see one another were very happy. He visited me in Chicago once while I was dating a previous dude and I got to take Jeff to see Jason Anderson at Texas Ballroom. I got to see Jeff whenever I went back to DC before he moved to Seattle. Zachary got to meet him when we went to Seattle together in spring 2009. Jeff took us to his favorite coffee shop, Espresso Vivace Sidewalk Bar.

    Sadly, the last time I saw Jeff was in December 2009. He had a manic episode while I was with him and I tried everything in my power to help lift him up and he was still unhappy. I felt like I had failed him. After that episode, I pulled away from him. I never told him that I was doing so. We would still IM from time to time, but the friendship was not the same as before. When I called a mutual friend to inform him of what happened, he said he had always “sensed a darkness in” Jeff. The only solace I find in Jeff’s passing is that he is at peace now. His humor, his wit, his taste in food and music were all huge influences on who I am today. He will be sorely missed by so, so many.

    Films watched 19th week of the year:

    Foxes (1980)
    The Immortals
    EL BULLI – Cooking in Progress*


    2012 Week 18: Will you be my Mrs. Boo?

    This week was great overall, but the best news is that Zachary and I are betrothed! He said he had an early birthday present for me and he put on a puppet show and then one of the puppets came up with the ring box in his mouth and he asked “Will you be my Mrs. Boo?” This has been in the works for awhile. The ring was my Great Aunt Norma’s, but it first had to be appraised and then re-sized and reinforced. I knew it was going to happen, but I just didn’t know the when. I assumed it would be sometime around my birthday and I was right. We went out for celebratory gelato at Black Dog Gelato with Kirstie & Jason.

    The photos above are the finished result of our taking the Woodworking Beginner to Intermediate class at Pagoda Studios. We can say without a doubt that it was worth it. We left the class with knowledge of basic woodworking tools as well as a cutting board that we made with our own hands! Zachary was going for a bomber (22 oz. beer) cutting board, but it ended up looking like a wine bottle, which was good too. Of course I made a hedgehog. This was the second class that I’ve taken on Dabble. If you haven’t heard of Dabble, it’s a site that offers affordable classes ranging from vermicomposting to woodworking to Photoshop, etc.: Dabble. I cannot recommend Joseph’s class enough. Take it and you will not regret it. I have to give props to Heidi for blogging about his class in the first place.

    I said I would eat out less this week and I failed at that. I did get to see many awesome friends though.

    MUSIC-A-LEIGH, I saw Mahogany at Subt on Friday night. The last time I saw them was November 8, 2002 at WMUC Third Rail Radio. They remained great, but very different from nearly 10 years ago. Dang, I am old.

    Films watched 18th week of the year:

    Monks: The Transatlantic Feedback*
    The Unbelievable Truth
    Sweet Revenge
    Three Coins in the Fountain


    Margaret was incredible. Really interesting shots. Great acting by all. Anna Paquin’s portrayal of a teenage girl was fantastic. I keep thinking back to it. Definitely worth a watch.

    2012 Week 17: “Say goodbye to all your friends.”

    I ate far too many meals out this week, but most of the time I used my calories wisely. Above is the exception. The photo was taken of my chicken & waffle (no bacon) lunch at Inspiration Kitchen. Chicagoans, take note: this is not only a place to get a delicious meal, but by dining there, you are supporting a wonderful cause. I got to witness another awesome cause in action right before my co-workers and I ate lunch there: Fresh Moves. Fresh Moves is a converted CTA bus that serves as a mobile produce market that goes from food desert to food desert, supplying affordable vegetables where there are none available. My birthday is coming up on 5/10. I don’t want anything for my birthday, but if you want to spend money on me, please donate to Fresh Moves here instead.

    This week, my friend Brandy said goodbye to the midwest and headed down to San Antonio for a new job that sounds perfect for her. It seems like a mass exodus is happening with friends/acquaintances leaving the Chicago-area. Everyone has good reasons, but what a bummer!

    I am once again at my lowest weight. I swear to you, if you want to lose weight, My Fitness Pal, helps so much! Holding myself accountable is what has really worked for me. Also, having my friends egg me on has been motivational.

    Also of note: We went to see our friend Derek’s theatre company, Chicago dell’Arte perform Comm-80s-a. A very fun and short show if you loved 80’s movies and well-choreographed dance numbers!

    Films watched 17th week of the year:

    Candyman: The David Klein Story*
    Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement*
    Leaves of Grass


    This week there was only one dud and it was Leaves of Grass. Every other movie was fulfilling and worthwhile in different ways. Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement was the clear winner this week. Seeing people so genuinely in love makes me so happy. I bawled my eyes out. Anyone who believes that being gay is a “choice” should see this movie. It is rare that I see straight people love one another the way that Edie & Thea do in this documentary. If you like food history, then you should see Candyman: The David Klein Story. David Klein got the short end of the Jelly Belly. Zachary and I went to the Jelly Belly factory in WI and they literally had written him out of their history on the tour we went on. David Klein has a new gourmet line of jelly beans here if you’d like to support the real genius with the jelly belly.

    2012 Week 16: A bunch of birthdays and Record Store Day

    This happened on Friday night. I was thrilled to finally have been able to celebrate Rachel S.’s birthday with her for once. This time of year there are always heaps of birthdays and for some reason I have never been able to make it to one of Rachel’s for some reason. Friday night her bday plans were ice cream at Margie’s and then dinner at Lazo’s, but Z and I had to skip dinner to make it to Amy F.’s bday drinks at Matchbox. So, my dinner was ice cream. Rachel and her friend Molly got the KING GEORGE at Margie’s Candies. Photographic evidence above that we ordered and finished the 30 scoop behemoth. Not sure how many people actually ended up digging in. My guess was 12-15, but Z guessed 20? It took 28 minutes.

    Also this weekend was Record Store Day. Record Store Day has caused a lot of debate between me and my boo and my friends. Sure, I was excited that Numero Group was doing their pop-up shop right down the street from us at the Bottle, but then I read this that Patrick from Saki had posted and my opinion changed. I love the label. I love what they are doing for vinyl. My first Chicago friend, Dustin Drase, now works for Numero. I love the owners. Tom is our neighbor, which we just found out last week when we saw him walking his dog. However, I completely empathized with Patrick’s post. Money spent at the Numero pop-up was money that could not be spent in a record store on that day. I worked at an awesome record store in the early 00’s. It was called Now! Music and Fashion in Arlington, VA. It was everything a record store should be and it started off great, but when the neighborhood started turning over and people stopped buying, it went through two moves and then it died. Things are different today and Chicago is home to such amazing record stores that all seem to be doing okay. Sure, there is not a ton of overlap between fans buying at the pop-up shop and fans who will buy at actual record stores, but I know there is some. Why not do the pop-up a separate weekend in 2013? Because I had made brunch plans before my stance on the pop-up had changed, I ate at Bite with pals and, though I did venture into the pop-up shop next door, I did not buy anything. I bought a 7″ at Laurie’s Planet of Sound and a Monks cd and the Unrest mug at Saki. I also got to see a set by Bare Mutants, who I was very impressed by. Long live RECORD STORE day. Even in its’ short life, it’s become commercial with people standing in long lines only to hawk sought after stuff on eBay when they get home, but what’s wrong with having a day to celebrate the shops that mean so much to so many? Let’s leave RECORD STORE in RECORD STORE DAY.

    Let’s go back to happy news that Z just relayed to me off Facebook: Our friends Annie and Jason are engaged! Also, now that it’s past midnight, it is Annie’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Annie!

    Films watched 16th week of the year:

    OSS 117: Lost in Rio
    Alex in Wonderland
    30 Minutes or Less
    Fresh (2009) *
    Hot Coffee*
    Once More with Feeling


    Totally loved FRESH. I know, I know. How many documentaries about how much better locally-grown food is for us vs. processed crap can I watch, right? Zachary won’t even watch anymore of them with me, HOWEVER, I learn from each and every one that I watch. This time I learned about Growing Power, which I feel silly for not knowing about, being so close to Milwaukee. This documentary was not as flashy as Food, Inc. which I also loved, but it was definitely worth watching; lots of beautiful, happy animals and passionate people. I love these things.

    2012 Week 15: Creativi-twee

    Super productive week. Got my taxes done and saw that One Strange Bird was right across the street, so I finally dropped in. Awesome little shop. Because of stopping by, I made the connection that a class I had been considering taken was taught there! So, on Saturday, I took my first Dabble class: Linocut printmaking taught by owner Nicole Northway. The above photo is a picture of the lino block I carved and the prints that resulted from it. I predict many lino blocks in Rhymes with Twee’s future. At work, I noticed that one of the screws from my glasses was coming out and a simple tiny screwdriver wasn’t cutting it. I ended up having to drop in to Labrabbit, where Coyote fixed them! Coyote also showed me great frames made in the USA!

    Films watched 15th week of the year:

    Bending All the Rules
    Into the Abyss*
    ADULT.’s Three Grace(s) Triptych
    Source Code
    Truly Madly Deeply
    Today’s Special


    CIMMfest made it possible for me to see the film Three Graces that ADULT. made and then played the score live to. It was unnerving; like Matthew Barney meets Alejandro Jodorowsky but with a 99% female cast. Though I was certain I was going to have nightmares afterwards, I somehow avoided them. I am watching Today’s Special right now and I need to go eat some Indian food ASAP.