2012 Week 28: Busi-leigh we roll along.

Rhymes with Twee – Katniss Hearts Cupcakes Postcard

This week:

  • Went to Kentucky for work Mon. – Wed.
  • Fired a gun for the first time. It was a rifle and I am an excellent shot.
  • Ate at Claudia Sanders Dinner House, cheated and ate fried chicken because I was in KY at Colonel Sanders’ wife’s restaurant. It was pretty good, but not worth it.
  • Ate at the second Urban Vegan location that just opened on Fullerton & Ashland. It rules.
  • Went to a great annual party hosted by nickd and bday girl erin.
  • Have not been working out because it’s been so crazy, but somehow again I am down to my lowest weight again. Am considering joining a gym.
  • Most importantly, I finally have two new Rhymes with Twee postcards. They feature my African Pygmy Hedgehog Katniss with cupcakes from Sweet Mandy B’s. They are up in the Rhymes with Twee shop now! See above photo. Heading out to see Thee Oh Sees at the Bottle now. It is the only Pitchfork related thing I did this time around. It was bizarre not to be selling at Pitchfork for the first time in years. Hopefully I will get in next year. I missed seeing all my buddies at Coterie and seeing customers there!

    Films watched 28th week of the year:

    Water for Elephants
    Smash His Camera*


    2012 Week 27: “in love. independence day. two clenched fists in the air, chanting “U-S-A!””

    Jason Anderson @ Den Theatre

    What a week, even with the holiday in the middle:

  • Super busy week at work
  • Saw my buddy Jason Anderson and Steven Gilpin play the Den Theatre (see above) – seeing Jason is always just what I needed
  • Did my first Katniss photoshoot and the postcards that resulted will be for sale in the shop as soon as they arrive – Katniss + Cupcakes = adorable
  • Finally ate at Bullhead Cantina – so delicious and they were playing the Superchunk channel on Pandora
  • Saw Black Lips at West Fest
  • Tilda had an appointment with a behaviorist and was issued Reconcile (doggy prozac)
  • On the 4th, I made up my mind that I would eat poultry once a month and I ordered southern fried chicken tacos from Bullhead on GrubHub. It came and I popped a little piece of chicken into my mouth as Z delivered an ill-timed joke. I started sobbing uncontrollably because I know that I want to go fully vegetarian, but I am battling my human cravings. The tiny bite of chicken I had was not even good to me. I ended up not eating the two chicken tacos and had Z eat them. Then we watched Vegucated. It was the best movie I’ve watched about vegetarianism/veganism. It was lighthearted, but provided lots of great information in a palatable manner. Definitely a good one to watch if you are considering going vegetarian/vegan. I know I’ll have setbacks, but I’ll get there.

    I am going to Kentucky for a work trip tomorrow through Wednesday. I am thrilled to be seeing in person what my team does every day. I packed a bunch of energy bars just in case because I am really not sure if I’ll be able to find enough veggie stuff for me. Psyched for the experience though and to see a few members of my team again!

    Films watched 27th week of the year:

    Take Shelter
    We Need to Talk About Kevin
    Gone with the Wind
    The End of August
    Ellie’s Head

    Lots of great movies this week! Saw our friend Tim’s movie The End of August at Logan Theater and ran into Veronica from Gaudi in the Lounge. Turns out her husband Paul was the star of the movie. What a small, weird, and wonderful world we live in.

    2012 Week 26: When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go – to Downton.

    Tofu Chimichurri

    This week mostly revolved around eating. I started making protein shakes with vegan Life’s Basics (Pea, Hemp, Rice, Chia Seed) protein powder. I felt way more energy than I usually do in the mornings the 4 days I did it. I cooked tofu chimichurri. Somehow I clicked on something that let me know that Still Flyin’ were playing on Friday night at the Burlington and I Miss Alison went with me. I had been feeling so blah and it was one of those nights that was so desperately needed. They RULED. It was so weird and great to see two of my favorite band dudes, Mark from the Lucksmiths and Phil from Maserati, on stage next to each other. Mind explosion! Also, I got to experience Mark’s first Malort shot. Priceless! I went to see Ham Siobam @ Cordinated and it’s probably the last time they’ll play together in ages since Juli and Dan are moving to San Fran. I got to try two newish places: Phil’s Last Stand and Bullhead Cantina. The veggie dog at Phil’s is pretty darn good. The tacos at Bullhead were really creative, cheap, and best of all – TASTY! This week, I also am nearly caught up with my Flickr uploading: see here.

    I’ve been vegetarian for almost 3 weeks now and I will admit that I have almost caved a few times, but I have not given in. That’s part of why I bought the protein powder because my body was screaming out for chicken, I’m guessing because I need that protein. Happy news is that I am still losing weight even though this week I did not work out or ride my bike once. I have been taking long walks, but it’s just so hot I don’t want to sweat both while I’m outside and inside. I abhor sweating.

    On Saturday, I was feeling lousy so I laid on the couch and finished Downton Abbey: Season 2 and then I talked to my parents for a total of an hour about that show. I can’t stop thinking about it. It is such a wonderful show. If you have yet to watch it, give it a whirl. I am still trying to figure out a card design in ode to Downtown. We’ll see! I just looked a few weeks ago and I swear all this was not up there then: THIS, THIS, and THIS.

    Also of importance: next week on Friday, we are taking Tilda in to see a behaviorist, Dr. Ballentyne, at Furnetic. Tilda had been so good, but this week she ended up biting my hand when I reached in to pull a napkin out of her crate that she was eating. My guard was down and it didn’t even cross my mind that I was reaching into her safe place. We have to get to the root of what is making her aggressive and see if we can nip it in the bud. Fingers crossed.

    Films watched 26th week of the year:

    A Good Old Fashioned Orgy
    Life During Wartime
    The Devil’s Double


    2012 Week 25: my brain is storming. my body is chilling.

    Tilda on the table

    I had a dream where my friend Jeff (who killed himself in May) told me that he was in a good place and to let everyone know. I woke up hoping that was true.

    This was a good week for brainstorming, but not a whole lot of doing. I have a lot of great ideas on the horizon though! I can’t stop coming up with ideas at night. It was hot and sticky outside much of the week, which always makes me want to stay inside. I ended up seeing a couple movies in the theatre, having a brief battle with food poisoning, going to Sarah & Todd’s going away party, seeing Miss Alison and going to Urban Vegan. I also bought Zumba 2 for Wii and worked out with it Saturday and Sunday. Oh boy, it kicked my butt. After hitting the 20 lbs. loss last week, it just made me want to keep going.

    Films watched 25th week of the year:

    Bitter Feast
    Beyond the Black Rainbow
    Fierce Creatures
    America the Beautiful 2: The Thin Commandments*
    Louis C.K. – Hilarious


    I wanted to like a few of these movies more, but that’s okay. Watching movies is a mostly enjoyable experience.

    2012 Week 24: “oh no, the numbers don’t lie…”

    Mynabirds @ Schubas

    This week I took it easy. Got to do some Beth catching up mid-week and otherwise caught up on much needed sleep. It was bike to work week and I biked 4/5 days. Go me! On Friday night, Z and I finally tried Filo, a gluten-free restaurant at Augusta & Western. It surpassed any expectations we went in with. The blackened tofu was definitely one of the more memorable vegetarian entrees I have eaten. My soup, entree, and dessert was $12. I don’t know how you can get a better deal that that in Chicago. After that, we walked to Amish Healthy Foods to return our egg crates and get more eggs. As serendipity would have, it we ran into our friend Jess and her pup Mitch. We got to see her new place and she came over to meet Tilda. Then Jess and I met up with Kirstie & Jason at Old Oak Tap. At Amish Healthy Foods, we had also bought duck eggs, which I cooked scrambled with goat cheese on Saturday morning. I was not as impressed as I figured I’d be. Later Saturday I went with Z to the De Molen beer tasting at West Lakeview Liquors and then to the last Urban Folk Circuit of the season. Then today I went with LCB and Kimmi to The Mynabirds at Schubas. It is so cool seeing a friend from DC starting to “make it” in the music world. Saw lots of folks singing along to all the words. It seems like they could be one of those bands who will fly up, up, and away!

    On Saturday morning, I got on the Wii Fit Plus and it registered that I had lost the 20 lbs. that I had set for myself as a goal on it. I still don’t see it anywhere except for my face, but friends and co-workers say that they have noticed. Now on to the next 20! I am contemplating joining a gym again, but the last two times I did that I never went.

    ALSO, big and awesome news! I got into Renegade Chicago! This was super big news that I was not actually expecting to hear this time ’round. This means I have to step up my game. I applied to be matched up randomly with a partner. Excited to see who I am paired with! Whee. Need to pick which veggie vampires to make as tea towels next. If you have any ideas, please comment here!

    Films watched 24th week of the year:

    The Fighter
    The Kennel Murder Case
    The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls*
    The Hourglass Sanatorium


    Earthlings really effected me. I would recommend that everyone watch it. Not the best documentary I’ve ever seen and Joaquin Phoenix sounds like he is reading from a cue card, but the way the information was laid out really hit home for me. I’m giving vegetarianism another try again as a result.

    2012 Week 23: “Remind me that once I was free. Once I was cool. Once I was me.”

    The quote is from one of my favorite Radiohead songs, A Reminder. This post is a day late because I was at Radiohead yesterday. Thanks again heaps and HEAPS to Sparkletone for the face value ticket. We ended up buying another one on StubHub, so the scalpers did not entirely win. It was a good show, but I am spoiled having seen them 22 times prior. The light show was completely incredible though. The crowd definitely soured my experience. There were more people smoking weed than I have ever experienced before in my life. I’ve been to a ridiculous number of shows. Whenever I am around smoke, I start coughing up a lung. A guy completely invaded my space when he had his own. I told him so and he didn’t even look back and instead gave me a thumbs up. Yes, he heard me. I reacted by having a panic attack and almost had to leave the pit entirely. I dug my nails into my fists and powered through it. I ended up being fine, but it was really hard for the first 20 minutes. Back in the day, Radiohead fans were so respectful and really cared about one another. Sure, there would be a jerk once in awhile, but the diehard fans used to stick together and jerks like this wouldn’t have broken the lines. This sounds like I am an old lady and in a lot of ways I am, but I really miss seeing Radiohead in the old days.

    Compare the –>

    Setlist from yesterday [June 10th, 2012 @ First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, Tinley Park, IL]

    01 Bloom
    02 There There
    03 15 Step
    04 Kid A
    05 Staircase
    06 Morning Mr Magpie
    07 The Gloaming
    08 Codex
    09 The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
    10 Karma Police
    11 Reckoner
    12 Lotus Flower
    13 Myxomatosis
    14 Feral
    15 Little By Little
    16 Idioteque
    17 Separator
    18 Full Stop (live debut)
    19 Bodysnatchers
    20 The One I Love/Everything In Its Right Place
    21 Give Up The Ghost
    22 Identikit
    23 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
    24 Street Spirit (Fade Out)

    with the –>

    Setlist from the best show of my life [August 12th, 1997 @ 9:30 Club, Washington, D.C.]

    01 Fitter Happier
    02 Lucky
    03 Just
    04 Airbag
    05 Planet Telex
    06 Bullet Proof.. I Wish I Was
    07 Climbing Up The Walls
    08 No Surprises
    09 Bones
    10 Electioneering
    11 Fake Plastic Trees
    12 Paranoid Android
    13 My Iron Lung
    14 Exit Music (for a film)
    15 (Nice Dream)
    16 The Bends
    17 Talk Show Host
    18 Lurgee
    19 Karma Police
    20 Street Spirit (fade out)
    21 Motion Picture Soundtrack
    22 The Tourist
    23 You

    I mean, those are some high standards to live up to. It was the first time they had played Motion Picture Soundtrack to an audience. There are lots of others that eclipse yesterday’s show, but that mostly has to do with enjoying shows with my crazy Radiohead #gurlee friends. Z loves Radiohead, but not the way that Brianne, Karyn, Nancy, Natalia, and I do. The way that lalalaini did.

    When friends and co-workers ask me how the wedding planning is going, I should just link to this entry. I am too busy to plan right now. Last week I hosted LCB’s 30th bday ice cream social, grilled with Amanda and Derek, went to the dentist, was taken out to a 1-year at work anniversary lunch, said goodbye to our AMAZING temp at work who moved to LA, went to a friend’s whiskey and pie 30th bday party, went to Constructor Craft Fair (the curation was great, but I am still bummed I was rejected), went to Chicago’s Home of Chicken and Waffles, updated my Etsy shop, and applied for Renegade Chicago. Everyone cross your fingers that I get into RCF Chicago; one of my favorite and best shows. I especially have a soft spot for it because it was the first craft show I ever did all the way back in September 2005!

    Also, mysteriously, Tilda’s ailments have disappeared and she has been a tad less nutso.

    Films watched 23rd week of the year:

    Dark Days*
    American Pyscho
    Ghost Rider

    Believe it or not, Z rented the last two from the library. Ghost Rider was exquisitely horrible and unbelievably boring.

    2012 Week 22: Oh, Tilderp.

    View from our new patio set.

    Unfortunately, it was too cold early in the week to use the new set. Otherwise, it was a mostly good week. At my lowest weight again, 2.4 lbs. away from losing 20 lbs. since I started working out/using MyFitnessPal. Got to try Antique Taco, which totally rules. Craft Bar @ Migonette Bridal. Spent a little time at Do Division Friday night, but stayed away for the rest of it. Bday party for LCB at the Clipper. Picnic with the Swanbergs. Saw my first movie at Facets, finally. However, in the land of Tilda…

    We took Tilda in Wednesday night to the ER vet. She was super lethargic and had been dry heaving and producing spittle. It turns out she likely has bordetella (kennel cough), which burns my butter because we told our vet when we were in less than a month ago that we received notice that she was due for her bordetella vaccine, but she said we did not need it since we don’t board her. Well, it’s an airborne bacteria and every other house on our street has a dog, so that’s how she got it. SO ticked. To top it all off, as of Friday she started limping and trying to bite us when we pick her up. We don’t know if it’s her back or feet or what because it comes and goes. Whatever it is, it is disheartening to see her like this. Tomorrow morning we will be making our third appointment (for three different things) in a month for her. Yarg.

    Finished Bitter is the New Black. Z’s mom gave me all the Jen Lancaster books for my bday and that was the first one I’ve ever read. Really funny read, but I find myself really shocked that she’s a Republican.

    Films watched 22nd week of the year:

    Everything is Terrible! The Movie
    The Enchanted Cottage
    Small, Beautifully Moving Parts
    Wet Hot American Summer
