2012 Week 35: “This is my balancing act.”

This week: went bowling, got a cold that lingered a bit, went to two parties friday night [pictured above: eliza’s brother luther juggling – he also swallowed swords and balanced nickd’s bike on his head], watched steffbomb’s craft wars ep with stacy, hosted a small brunch for lady friends, made and bottled two new polishes for LAK lacquer, etc.

In addition to having a cold, last Saturday (9/28), I developed a rash on my face that gave me scaly skin on my eyelids and forehead and I have felt super gross about the whole thing. I had a bad experience with a dermatologist recently so I did not want to go that route. This lead to lots and lots of googling and google image research. First I thought it was demodex mites and then I came to the conclusion that it was just eczema on my face. I have been rubbing olive oil into my skin and then patting off the excess. It has improved greatly since, but my cheeks are still somewhat red, which might be rosacea. I know, I know, I should go to a dermatologist, but I’ll only head to one if it turns bad again. I haven’t felt like exercising with all this going on, but I have been walking and eating fairly healthy foods. Blerg.

Soon I will be applying for two of my favorite shows: Crafty Bastards [November 10th] in DC and Handmade Arcade [December 8th] in my beloved Pittsburgh. Wish me all of the luck that you can muster!

I cannot believe Renegade Craft Fair Chicago is in 5 flipping days. EEE! I’m mostly ready for it, but I still have a couple tricks up my sleeve! I always do!

Films watched 35th week of the year:

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (1973)
The Living End
Dead Alive
The Hunger Games
Cameraman: The Life and work of Jack Cardiff*


I could not believe that Dead Alive was so gory. It was great, but so incredibly gross. I almost had to turn it off a few times, but I persevered. The Hunger Games was just as amazing the second time around. I want to re-read the books, but I lent my copies to a friend, who I will now hound for them!

2012 Week 34: “a rainy day and she might come down for awhile and watch the raindrops fall.”

I have been ticking off more things on my crafty To Do list. Now it’s all about making a few more items and packaging them. This is the most prepared I have felt for a Renegade in years! I went to an Etsy Craft Party on Friday night at Chicago Weaving School and caught up with some crafty pals I hadn’t seen in awhile. Very fun event and it got me thinking about taking a weaving class at the space. Really neat and I had no idea that Chicago had a weaving school before the event was announced. This week I also caught up with a few friends I hadn’t seen in awhile; grabbing drinks at Scofflaw, going to dinner at Handlebar, and going to the last Panic for at least awhile while they figure stuff out. So sad to say goodbye to an era. I really missed dancing, so it was a treat! On Sunday, I went to a wedding event in Rosemont called Windy City Wedding. It was mostly a bust, but I did see a photobooth vendor I liked. Then Annie and I went to IKEA and Sushi Station. A successful suburb trip if there ever were one.

Before heading to the ‘burbs, I made a new polish, pictured with Katniss above. I am calling it ‘Favorite Beatnik Star’ after a song on ‘Alaska Days’ by Poole. This is my favorite polish yet! Poole were one of my favorite local bands and the were the first band I interviewed. I did the interview and photo shoot with them at the playground of my elementary for my zine ‘cixelysd ton era ew’ that I made in high school with my friend LeeAnne. Only made one issue of that zine, but it was a fun one. That album’s grooves are deeply etched into my heart, so I am happy to name a polish in ode to Poole!

Films watched 34th week of the year:

Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Two in the Wave*
The Debt
Labor Day, East Chicago* [short doc by Tom Palazzolo]
I Married a Munchkin* [short doc by Tom Palazzolo]
Down Clark Street* [short doc by Tom Palazzolo]

The Debt and I Married a Munchkin were my two faves this week. We’ve been watching a lot of Community as well. Also, I have been trying to get Z hooked on Downton Abbey, but it not sucking him in. This is saddening to me. Same thing happened with Lost. Sad face.

2012 Week 33: The Master of Making.

I crafted more in the past two weeks than I have in 2012 up through August. This may be a true statement. I made two new greeting cards and heat set the tea towels I printed last week at Art Factory. I made a ton of grab bags of awesome because it is a good way to get rid of slight misprints, things that have been sitting around awhile, or things I made way too many of. Each grab bag of awesome contains at least 3 cards and assorted other fun things. Will totally be a bargain for $4.

On Friday night LCB made amazing enchiladas and we made a nail polish. Yes, that is the secret thing that I have been holding under my hat. I am developing a line that I will be selling under the name LAK lacquer as a subset of Rhymes with Twee. It is an incredible amount of fun, dudes. About as fun as FAZZ was in the 80’s, which is really funny because that is the last time I remember being this excited about make-up. Who else remembers FAZZ?

Saturday I got to see my friend Beth for the first time since she returned from her long Italy trip. We took a lovely stroll around the neighborhood and popped into all kinds of shops. Sunday was all about clean-up and packaging. Tilda even got a bath. I am feeling accomplished, but I always feel like there is more I could have when Sunday comes to a close. That’s why I will likely get up early tomorrow to do something crafty related as well. One of these days Z and I will get around to doing some kind of wedding planning.

Films watched 33rd week of the year:

Dark Knight Rises [again]
The Change-Up
Harlan County USA*
The Master
Rid of Me
Creative Nonfiction
Belfast, Maine*


The Change-Up was the worst. Wow. How do movies like that get made? Let’s leave that subject. I went in almost totally blind and The Master was still a letdown, but that’s okay. You can’t always make winners, P.T. Faves this week were Belfast, Maine [all 4.5 hours of it] and Rid of Me. Rid of Me is streaming on Netflix and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Also, I did not mention here on the La De Blog that Shut Up, Little Man was one of the best docs I have seen in ages. Totally worth your time.

2012 Week 32: Life is short…cake.

I made this shortcake because Stanley’s had an insane sale on strawberries. It was a success.

I also made a whole heck of a lot of stuff crafty-wise prepping for Renegade and went to the gym three times. Monday, I took a Turbo Kick class with a teacher who I could not believe was a real human being. She barely broke a sweat in the almost hour-long class that she did all the “advanced” moves throughout! Also of note: went to Alison & Ian’s vegan pizza and ice cream party, went to Lao Sze Chuan for Sei Jin’s birthday.

Probably the most awesome thing this week: Z and I went to see HARRY & THE POTTERS with POTTER PUPPET PALS. This was such an amazing show! If they come to your town and you love the HP books and rocking out, you really owe it to yourself to see them.

I also have something pretty neat that I will be doing that I am not going to address on the blog until it’s final, but the supplies for this project arrive tomorrow. Basically, PSYCHED.

Films watched 32nd week of the year:

Shut Up Little Man!*
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Pirahna (1978)


2012 Week 31: Twee-dle dee the fat away?

My first big craft fair of the year (WEIRD, right?); Renegade Craft Fair Chicago, is in approximately a month. I got off my rump and remade my popular veggie vampire tea towels. The above picture shows 225 of them that I made today; 75 Artie the Artichoke, 75 garlic, and 75 carrots. A new veggie vampire is joining the tea towel gang; hopefully this week!

I went to the gym Monday, Thursday, and Saturday this week. I’m starting to feel it in my body in my arms and legs, but so far no weight loss. I took a class called Body Blast and I had trouble walking and sitting down for two days. This next week, I am going to try at least one more class. I really need to load up my ipod, which was still new in box after the last one I had broke and Apple gave me another one. I borrowed Z’s on Saturday and rowed to Black Lips – Arabia Mountain and ran on the elliptical to The Knife – Silent Shout. What seems like one million years ago, I made an awesome workout mix: Finger Point the Fat Away: Indie Exercise Volume I. Seems like I need a Volume II about now. 🙂 What are some of your favorite bands/songs to exercise to?

On Wednesday, I went to Grand Luxx with my awesome work friend Gretchen and Z. I can’t believe I hadn’t been there yet. It is a chain, but a good one. The fried pickles and red velvet cake were divine! Also, I cheated and ate duck triangles and I do not regret it. I feel like I have to give into my cravings once in awhile, otherwise I will just totally give up. Saturday night, we took pizza to Kirstie & Jason’s for his birthday and we watched some Mighty Boosh before we started falling asleep and Z and I headed home. Nice weekend. Got some good stuff done. There is always more to do though!

Films watched 31st week of the year:

Tinker Tailor Solider Spy (2011)
Reel Injun*


2012 Week 30: Nailed it!

It was a banner week. I’m taking some nice big forward steps. Lookee:

  • Had a Tilda training session
  • Was an extra in my friend Joe’s new movie Drinking Buddies
  • Signed up for a P.O. Box
  • Went to Erin’s Lady Party for Ladies (see result of nail painting above)
  • Took Juli & Dan to a going away dinner at Bite
  • Saw a few songs by The Drums @ Wicker Park Fest, but had to leave because the crowd was so gross
  • Went to Tim’s bday party
  • Joined Wicker Park Athletic Club
  • Films watched 30th week of the year:

    Greater Southbridge*
    Donkey Punch
    American Swing*
    The Princess of Nebraska
    Two Lovers
    Just an American Boy*
    The Secret World of Arriety


    2012 Week 29: “Try to make sense, but it always comes out absurd.”

    Choosing a wedding appropriate outfit.

    This week:

  • Went out to pizza with Chris Begeny, Eliza, Mike, Alvar, and Z.
  • Saw my friends Jessica and Mike get married in PGH.
  • Got the acceptance email into DIY Trunk Show!
  • Ate a stupid amount of delicious food in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
  • In Berea on Friday morning, while Z was readying himself for the day, I checked Twitter. Everyone was abuzz about something that happened in Aurora, CO, but no one had posted links, so I started googling. I lay in bed reading for the better part of an hour. I could not pull my eyes away from my phone. It felt like the day that I found out that Jeff had killed himself. It is impossible to make sense of such tragedy. I feel such grief for those who were there that night and their loved ones. Having recently watched ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’, I find myself thinking about how his family is able to deal with this. Second guessing everything they did while raising him. Wondering if somehow it is their fault. Looking at his younger photos and reading what type of a person he was, he seems like a few dudes I have been friends with. I can’t help but wonder what clicked the button inside of him to do this. Chilling. I saw The Dark Knight Rises Friday night in Middleburg Heights, OH. The theatre was 3/4 empty on opening night. What happened in Aurora could have happened anywhere. It could happen any day. We can’t let things like this dictate our lives. This is why it is important to hug those you love often. Friends, if I haven’t told you lately that I love you, I do.

    >>>>> ROAD TRIP MUSIC <<<<<

      Chicago –> Berea

    The Pipettes – We Are the Pipettes
    God Help the Girl – s/t
    Bjork – Post
    Fever Ray – s/t
    Mirah – you think it’s like this but really it’s like this
    Black Tambourine – Complete Recordings
    Love is All – Nine Times That Same Song

      Berea –> Pittsburgh

    Neutral Milk Hotel – In the Aeroplane over the Sea
    Sparklehorse – Vivadixiesubmarinetramsmissionplot
    Super Furry Animals – Guerilla

      Pittsburgh –> Berea

    Weezer – s/t (blue album)
    The Clash – London Calling

      Berea –> Chicago

    The Thermals – Fuckin’ A
    Comp. – Numero Group 001 – Eccentric Soul: The Capsoul Label
    Comp. – Numero Group 003 – Eccentric Soul: The Bandit Label
    Vivian Girls – All the Time
    Monks – Early Years 1964-65
    Gold Bears – Are You Falling In Love?
    Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream

    Films watched 29th week of the year:

    Titicut Follies*
    The Dark Knight Rises
