one of the new products!

These new cards I’ve been working on are made with old band photos taken before I went digital. Most of the photos had some slight imperfection (the back of a head in a shot, not a great action shot, etc.), but they look great sewn onto a card. I’m still thinking of a good name for them, but as for now I’m calling them band photograph cards, because I’m not feeling clever right now. I’m rather feeling like a zombie, having made 78 of these babies. I had an entire under the bed storage box filled with (mostly) band photos I’d taken. I really like combining photographs with bits of fabric or rick rack. This is one of the most enjoyable crafts I’ve done thus far. I also made a rather cool pillow, but I haven’t stuffed it yet. I’m just gearing up for Crafty Bastards! Reba Rar Rar Press and I leave on Thursday morning for DC. Wednesday night is The Lucksmiths at Schuba’s. Things feel like they’re on the up and up.

rhymes with twee band photograph cards!

Left to right: Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals), Hayden, and Eric Axelson (Dismemberment Plan)

I got busy with myself…

The first day of Renegade Craft Fair (Chicago) was so excellent that on Sunday morning, I went to breakfast at Sweet Cakes (cupcakes are sort of sustenance) with friends staying with Zachary and me; Melissa of Dearest Inez/The Makery and her gf/bf friends Hillary of Beejeezus Zine and Will who runs Lebowski Fest. We saw them off to RCF and then I made 100 broccoli xmas cards in more traditional holiday colors. Also, I breathed some new life into a year old design. I used my cutie fanged ghost from the “you’re the best boo” cards and screened him onto tote bags to make trick or treat bags and onto shirts because they are cute as hell and remain one of my favorite creations. I’m pretty excited that I’ll have some stuff other than cards to sell at Crafty Bastards.

a pile of boos!

Cake Linocut by Betty Turbo

Great news! I just received word that Rhymes with Twee got into DEPART-ment which is October 5, 6, and 7th!

This calls for a celebratory cake! If you’re craving a delicious cake that will last a lot longer than the real thing, then perhaps this gorgeous linocut print will do the trick. I had another one of her prints marked as an Etsy favorite for awhile now, but this one really takes the cake (yeah, yeah, I know).

delicious cake linocut print on vintage cookbook pages by betty turbo
Procure a slice or a whole cake:

rhymes with blog!

Since rhymes with twee has been going strong for a couple of years now, I figured it was time to start a blog and have that blog up on the RWT website. I’m Leigh. I love all things twee. My name rhymes with twee. That’s how the name of my wee craft company came to be. I live in Chicago with my boyfriend, Zachary (often referred to as “my boo” or Z) and our African Pygmy Hedgehog, Hoggle, pictured here after trying to crawl up my jeans the other day:
