2011, we hardly knew ye.

Tilda, in the Sonic the Hedgedog costume I made her

I did not blog once in 2011. That was an EPIC fail. 2012 is going to change all that. Things that happened of note: We lost Hermione last January. We lost Z’s paternal grandma last February. Z and I celebrated 5 years together in April. We moved into a new apartment that we are so happy with in April. I got a fulfilling new job that I am very passionate about in June. I biked to work a good amount. I successfully grew my first container garden over the summer. In October, Z and I adopted a dog and named her Tilda, as in Tilda Swinton. I made some excellent new friends, became closer with my old ones, and patched up a couple friendships that had fallen apart. I also sold at a heap of great craft fairs this year and met some awesome new artists and customers!

Some Rhymes with Twee items made in 2011:

Rhymes with Twee – make making your living framed prints.
Bean Hoodie

I’m not usually one for making New Year’s resolutions, but something this year made me want to make some.

  • Update the La De Blog at least once a week.
  • Get fit with Wii Fit.
  • Watch at least one documentary a week.
  • Stop buying so much stuff not “Made in the USA.”

I have amazing people in my life who make and create things. They are often my inspiration for creating new things of my own. I want to blog because sitting down once a week and doing a round-up of these things will help me create more.

Zachary and I got a Wii and Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and we’ve both set the goal to work out at least 30 minutes every day on it, except for Saturday which is our day of rest. I am fat. I don’t mind being fat, but a few health problems have come along with the weight, which made me want to lose a bit.

I got some really thoughtful Christmas presents, but I have become much more conscious of where thing were made than I used to be. As cute as they were, many of the items were made in China. This bummed me out and it made me want to try harder myself to purchase things made here in the USA. I know that my difficulty will be finding good quality but not bank-breaking articles of clothing, but I am going to try.

Films watched  1st week of the year:

Trees Lounge
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never*
The Lottery*
The Hudsucker Proxy
Another Earth
The Future


This week, I highly recommend Dive and Another Earth. Both were low budget but highly thought-provoking.

New Rhymes with Twee card: Santa wants beer this year!

This was the new Rhymes with Twee card I was hinting about in a previous post. I’m pretty proud of this little beer swilling guy. I used glitter markers to color in the beers on the blue cards. I also made white cards, but because the paper weight was lighter, the glitter marker bleeds through and I’ll have to use the Sakura Glaze pens instead and it won’t look as good, but still good. Sakura has some really interesting products on the market. I’ve been a big fan since I started using their Souffle pens to draw the faces on my “i’m glad i picked you” cards. I have a lot of different options in my craft room when it comes to supplies, but sadly none of them were letting me get the look of a stout beer on the cards. Amber it is! These are available in a set of 5 in my Etsy shop.


This Saturday I am selling at the second Urban Folk Circuit from 3pm until 8pm. This one is at the Glenwood Bar in Rogers Park. If you’re in Chicago and want to get the jump on your Christmas buying like me (not even joking – I bought my mom presents August 30th), then stop by and shop awesome crafts while you drink a tasty craft beer!

Newness is goodness.

If you go to a lot of local fairs or sell at a lot of them, you tend to see a lot of the same sellers over and over again. While this can be comforting, it’s good to try something new once in awhile. I received a message on Etsy asking me if I’d like to sell at the St. Berchmans Fall Festival and Craft Fair. While I was raised Catholic, I’ve been agnostic longer, so I admit I was a bit skeptical in taking part. I firmly believe it’s your right to have faith in whatever you choose, but I don’t have to agree with it. The Catholic church I went to through high school preached that practicing homosexuals were going to hell. A large part of the reason I left the church was when one of my best friends came out to me and I wrestled with the thought: “Why is it okay for me to pursue a partner and not okay for my friend to pursue hers?”  I decided not to let my experience with one church dictate my opinion of all Catholic churches, so I ended up doing the craft fair.

When I arrived to set up, I received offers from total strangers also selling if I’d like help carrying my stuff in. It was a welcome change from the usual big fairs I do where everyone’s eyes are on the prize and it’s rare that you are asked if you need help. I knew no one else selling at the fair, which is a rarity, but Lauren, currently of Swell Goods (and Cutie Cooties), happened to come in since it was in her neighborhood. Another friend stopped in and hung out for awhile. The fair was a little slow and few sold anything for the first three hours of the four hour long fair, but the last hour picked up and I ending up making a profit. In the mean time, I met some very nice fellow sellers and customers and had good conversations with them. I had one customer buy four toddler tees for her grandchildren without batting an eyelash. I believe that’s a new record for me on number of clothing items sold to one buyer. Below are some of my favorite sellers from the fair. One seller, K’s Kreations by Krystle Ansay, was selling beautiful ceramics, but does not have a website. There was also one woman there; Shannon Rohde, selling books from Usborne Books & More, which are all really unique and beautifully illustrated children’s books. A lot of the books had fun interactive parts for stimulating kid’s brains (think Pat the Bunny). I ended up buying one as a Christmas present for one of my friend’s children. I hope he likes it!

Light as a feather:

Help kids GROW up:

It’s a bird, it’s a plane…it’s something cute!

Two Cement Artisans: DrCraze & Lulubugjewelry

I promise to get back in the game and post at least once a week from here on out. It’s not that I haven’t been inspired by beautiful handmade items lately, because I have. I’ve just been very busy making Rhymes with Twee stuff and selling at craft shows and I had a bout of bronchitis gone wild. As always, I had THE best time at Crafty Bastards in Washington, DC. This year I split a table with my lovely friend Jessica of Miss Chief Shop. I feel like it’s probably not blogged about too much since it’s rather a taboo subject, but I feel like it’s important to note that we were waitlisted this year, but still made it in. It’s hard to be rejected or waitlisted, but it happens to all of us. I will not deny that my heart was broken that I didn’t immediately get into my hometown show for a fourth year, but I knew I could not to take it personally because there are a great number of factors that go into picking artistans for a craft show, especially one as small as Crafty Bastards. We were thrilled to make it in at the (rather) last minute. Will I apply again? Heck yes. For other fairs I have been rejected from, I tend to take the “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” route. This year it worked and I made it into one that I’d been rejected from twice or thrice before. So, don’t stop believing!

On to the eye candy! These artists who use concrete as their medium in the jewelry that they made are totally rocking my world. Both make extremely different styles, yet both are so appealing. DrCraze, based in Elephant Butte, New Mexico, makes simple but striking designs out of stainless steel. He then fills the designs with concrete and crushed or pulverized glass which has been recovered from local beaches. His last step is grounding the piece to smooth the finish so it’s ready to wear. Sue Urquhart (aka LuLu Bug Jewelry), of Santa Rosa, California, makes pieces out of Precious Metal Clay (PMC) and etched brass plates she makes to give the pieces texture. Also, her blog is just lovely. This hedgehog necklace is going on my Christmas wish list because it’s one of the cutest representations of a hedgie I’ve ever seen in necklace form.

Crazed for Concrete:

Bug on over to:

Rhymes with Twee – Renegade Craft Fair Chicago 2009 Wrap Up


This past weekend was the Chicago Renegade Craft Fair. It was the best I’ve done in the three times I’ve done this particular Renegade. I had a great time selling with my boothmate and good friend Eliza of Purse-onality. I had a meet & greet with Hermione on Sunday, but somehow did not take pictures. It was hard relaying the news of Hoggle passing away to customers who were such big fans of him. I haven’t blogged that, but he passed away August 1, 2009. The sad details are in this listing on my Etsy shop. Many of my favorite crafter pals were selling this weekend. It was awesome getting to see them all and hang out with them. Esther (Essimar) gave me the custom piece she made of Hoggle. It’s really perfect. Sofia Masri gave me these awesome hedgehog clips she found at Paper Source. The high point of my weekend was hanging out with Jess Gonacha and her friends and friends of friends (A Bardis, Swear Jar Design, and Vital Industries) at Jerry’s. It was awesome being in the company of such unique and inspiring makers.

The low point of the weekend came when I was standing on a plastic IKEA chair (putting my banner that had fallen down back up) and I fell right through it and my leg was stuck in between the plastic and the metal and somehow I hit or scraped my ear on something. It was embarrasing more than anything, but I felt off the rest of Sunday. Zachary pointed out that I have a weird bruise on my left ear that is tender to the touch.

I have some great news to counter that last bit though! Brooke Timm, a craft pal came by my table. I met her when she was selling at Handmade Market at the Empty Bottle under the name LadyRocket. Now she’s opened this store Rudy’s Roundup. Brooke and her store manager picked out Rhymes with Twee onesies, greeting cards, and artichoke stuffies to carry. I can’t wait to go check out this store, which has been on my radar for awhile now, but I’ve too busy making stuff to stop by!

On October 3rd, I’ll be at Crafty Bastards in DC selling with my buddies Les & Oscar. I’ll be driving out there with Miss Alison. I’m so excited because it’s one of my favorite fairs and I’ll get to hang out all day with friends I don’t see very often. I’ll also get to meet internet pal Becky of Glue & Glitter.

THE ROOM crowd participation & quotation button set

Lastly, my most recent craft project is pictured above. THE ROOM – crowd participation & quotation button set is up in the shop for all you Tommy Wiseau fans. It’s playing in Chicago at the Music Box on September 26th at the midnight showing, of course. It will be my fifth time seeing it.

Fabric Coasters and Hand Dyed & Spun Yarn by Bykes

Us ladies from Ladyfest Chicago 2007 had been preparing for months for this past weekend. October 18th – 21st was the culmination of our efforts. My major contribution to Ladyfest Chicago 2007 was organizing the craft fair portion. I called it THE PACK LADY: Rummage & Craft Spectacular. Not only handmade items but records, clothing, and vintage goods were allowed to be sold. There was so much awesome present, but not a whole lot of customers made their way down to the AV-aerie Saturday. The turnout could have been better. We got a lot of press and nods on blogs, but the turnout could have been better. I think a lot of vendors made new friends and had a good time though. I know that I did.

I genuinely loved every vendor, but one of the standouts was Sunni of Bykes. She has such an eye for putting colors together. Not only does piece fabric together for quilted coasters and purses, but she hand dyes and spins her own yarn. It makes me wish I could actually knit or crochet.
Hand Dyed and Spun Yarn by Bykes Fabric Coasters by Bykes

Go fly a kite or ride a byke:

Crafty Bastards Wrap Up & Onesies

Well, I had a fantastic time at Crafty Bastards in DC last weekend. It was the most I’ve made at a fair so far. It’s really great seeing my stuff go into the hands of really nice people.  Everything I make is stuff that I really like, so it’s kind of funny to see what the general populace likes.  After taking SO MUCH time making those “sew rockin” band cards, I did not sell a one at CB.  There were some bigger indie bands in there too, so I am at a loss.  I think they may sell better online, but that will be a huge undertaking to photograph each one since I made over 100 different ones.

Something I have noticed that sells a lot at craft fairs is onesies and with a good friend being preggers, I jumped on the bandwagon.  I made onesies with these previous designs but no words: artichoke, mixtape, and the boo ghost.  Hoggle approves:

Good work, Mom!