2012 Week 48: I would do anything for love, but I won’t do crafts…

Firstly, I should note here that I have the best boo. This week: made Downton Abbey themed goods [notebooks and cards] which are now (or will be soon) in the shop, though I need to make more Dowager Countess moleskine notebooks because they SOLD OUT. Bought a Christmas tree, but still haven’t decorated it. Fried foods party. Dinner at Bite.

I did my second to last craft fair of 2012 this year: Renegade Craft Fair Chicago Holiday and it was amazing. Jack (Ethically Engineered) is a great boothmate. Had an incredible time hanging out with THE BEST BOOTH NEIGHBORS: Circa Ceramics, Wonder Wheel, and Steff Bomb. Also did some excellent trades for my gift exchange buddy. An A+ excellent fair with super awesome customers.

Saturday night I had a sore throat and I thought I had kicked it with cayenne pepper/sea salt gargling, but at the end of the day Sunday, it is back with a vengeance. I have a super busy week at work and then I’m off to my last craft fair of the season, BAZAAR BIZARRE CLEVELAND. FB Event Link. So tired. Must sleep. Think I will be carving a block of Bates as my next Downton character. Have had a few requests for Thomas though, but we’ll see. For now…sleep.

Also should mention that there is an article in the Chicago Tribune about the sameness in crafting. I am quoted in it, but it doesn’t note that the girl who copied me said she was “inspired by” my work and then blatantly stole the greeting from my original card and then asked if we could set up a profit share because the card had been so profitable for her, which I declined because it was completely ridiculous. Just wanted to set the record straight!

Films watched 48th week of the year:

We Were Here*
Doctor Detroit
The Comedy
Clear Cut: The Story of Philomath, Oregon*
Storefront Hitchcock*


Watched a couple fun movies this week. Makes up for the shite that was The Comedy. I went into it with zero expectations, but left feeling so icky. I do realize that was the point, but why make a movie like that when it is not even enjoyable like American Psycho?

Give thanks for cookies!

These are the best cookies of all time: nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies. Thank you, Ambitious Kitchen! Of course LCB found the recipe. I followed it to the tee, except I used 3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips and 1 cup milk chocolate chips and did not use any dark chocolate chips because I didn’t want to spring for more bags of chocolate chips.

Heidi A. was the winner of $25 worth of Rhymes with Twee goods at DIY Trunk Show. Heidi has been emailed and will hopefully email me what she would like soon!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope yours is safe and scrumptious!

As an additional perk, why not give everyone who reads this 20% off the Rhymes with Twee Etsy shop with coupon code: THANKSCOOKIES. Buy handmade this holiday. Those you’re buying for will appreciate it more! Bah to Black Friday. See ya Cyber Monday! Offer good through Tuesday, November 27th!

2012 Week 46: One holiday craft fair down, two to go!

This week. Celebrated two friends getting engaged. Made brand new products. Had an amazing time at DIY Trunk Show. Went to a vegan bake sale @ Quesadilla. Monday was the 5 year anniversary of Laini’s passing. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of her. I have a lot of friends, but the bond that I had with Laini was a special one. She was full of boundless energy against all the odds. I am Agnostic, but there are moments when I feel like she is hanging around when there are very happy moments in my life. I feel like if she were around, she would definitely be making something crafty and selling it. She was so freakin’ crafty. OK, tearing up now. I feel like a jerk because I did not call her parents this week, but all the craziness of fair prep left me working late every single night this week.

DIY Trunk Show was a win! I love one day craft fairs because I get to take a day off on Sunday to relax after an exhausting day of selling before going back to work the next day. I met so many amazing new customers and got to see old customers. It warmed my heart that one customer bought two bean onesies and one of them was for her future baby who is not yet conceived! When it happens, she is going to use the onesie to show her husband that they are pregnant! How flipping rad is that?! Another thing that made DIY Trunk Show so wonderful was having one of my favorite booth neighbors yet: Christina Ward. Her Etsy shop is here. Coming up next, I have Renegade Craft Fair Holiday Chicago and then Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland. For DIY Trunk Show, I had two brand spanking new items: Chicago Stocking Christmas card and Corgi Ruled Moleskine Notebook (pictured above) and a tote bag featuring my bean design because people totes love totes.

More Rhymes with Twee news: one of my longtime loves, Paper Doll, is stocking select Rhymes with Twee cards now. I am super psyched to be selling at Paper Doll because it is my go-to for card buying. I’ve got to say that I am pretty excited that the next time I go in there, my cards will be out! Eek!

Films watched 46th week of the year:

The Band That Wouldn’t Die*
Wreck-It Ralph
!Women Art Revolution*
Twilight: New Moon
Twilight: Eclipse
Twilight: Breaking Dark, Part 1


In The Band That Wouldn’t Die, I kept thinking that the bandleader was super familiar and it turns out he had spoken about Kevin Clash in Being Elmo. I know that more of that story is still churning, but I feel like the whole picture may never come to light. From that documentary, Kevin seemed like a truly good person.

2012 Week 41: A week of getting so many things done!

A very social week. Went to Lee Nail Supply and Sun Wah, had Tilda’s annual exam/shots, and went to a party. I also cleaned and checked off a bunch of items on my to do list. Huzzah! On Friday, I went to the opening of the SMALL is ordinary popup shop at Chicago Cultural Center. The shop contains a spectacular grouping of items by Chicago artists. Emily Grant did a great job of pulling the artists and products together. I was thrilled to be included in this shop. From their site: the SMALL is Ordinary Shop will be open Monday through Saturday 11am to 6pm. Noon to 5pm on Sundays.

Candida update: Today I have been on the diet 3.5 weeks. Mid-week, I swapped Candida Clear for Fungal Defense. Z and I head off to SF this week for a bit. I am slowly going to add things back into my diet. Once I am back from the trip and had some time to pay off some of it, I am either going to make an appt. at my GP who relocated to the Evanston office, or start trying to find a new nearby GP (I’ve been given a few recs by close friends). I feel a lot better at this point. My lips and facial skin seem to be mostly recovered. I plan to stay on probiotics though because after doing all this research, I know I need my gut to stay healthy. I also added Biotin into my supplement regimen and in, I kid you not, 3 days, I already see a difference in my nails. Thanks LCB & Anna for that recommendation!

Rhymes with Twee winter show schedule:

DIY Trunk Show (Chicago, IL) – November 17
Renegade Craft Fair Holiday (Chicago, IL) – December 1 & 2
Bazaar Bizarre (Cleveland, OH) – December 8 & 9

Who knows if I’ll throw in a one-off here or there, but those are the big guys! Looking forward to doing BBC, since I have not done it in years. I was sad to pull my app for Handmade Arcade (Pittsburgh, PA) though. Four hours less driving in the midwest winter is a big plus for me though. Also getting to eat grilled cheese at Melt with my beloved friends Kate & Brian is a win.

Films watched 41st week of the year:

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
A Matter of Taste: Serving up Paul Liebrandt*
Captain America
Barton Fink

Enjoyable movie week for me. Z went to the 24-hour Music Box Horror Movie Fest. I did not and was very happy about that. One horror movie a week for me is about all I can handle.

2012 Week 39: Die, Candida, die!

Mashed garlic cauliflower, zucchini flax crackers, guacamole.

Completed a week on the anti-Candida diet on Thursday. I’m planning to do it for two weeks at the very least, hoping to see some more signs that yeast is dying off. Had massive migraines Tuesday and Wednesday. Been super itchy the last few days. Positive: I have been getting closer to my calorie goals on My Fitness Pal. At this point, Kettle almond butter and lime seltzer waters are getting me through. On Saturday, Z and I went to the The Chicago Art Girls Pop Up Shop @ Helium Gallery. Such an excellent group of ladies selling there. Then we went to Vegan Mania where I could eat pretty much nothing except for kale salad and some zucchini flax crackers. I did however buy stuff to freeze and eat once this diet ends. Did you know that you can freeze Dandies vegan marshmallows and Upton’s seitans?! When you un-freeze Dandies, let them sit out for one full day and then you are good to go! Sunday, we went apple picking at Kuiper’s with the Shanley’s and LCB. We had no clue it was the last day of the season. The lines were massive. The drought caused the orchards to have light crops and they were extremely picked over as a result.

In crafty news, I was rejected from Crafty Bastards this year. In all honesty, it does not surprise me. The fair is moving inside. The number of artists had to be cut down and they are charging $10 admission. Of course it breaks my heart a little not to be selling at one of my favorite fairs, but these things happen and often they happen for a reason. Still waiting to hear back on applications to Handmade Arcade, Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland, and Renegade Craft Fair Chicago Holiday. The bummer is that HA and BBC are the same day, so if I happen to get into both, I will have to decide between them. Anyways, fingers crossed!

Films watched 39th week of the year:

The Gang’s All Here
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Mary and Max
Model* (Wiseman)
The Cabin in the Woods


Watch Cabin in the Woods if you like original, clever, and funny horror movies. Mary and Max was also a winner this week.

2012 Week 38: Fun? with the Anti-Candida Diet

This is an example of a meal I ate yesterday.

A few posts back I talked about my skin giving me a hard time. Well, it got way worse this week and all signs lead me to believe it is a Candida overgrowth. Some of the symptoms I have had: cracked and peeling lips, scaly peeling forehead, dark circle under one of my eyes, extreme itchiness in armpits and under breasts, sick more often than the normal person, excessive fatigue, chemical sensitivity (I can’t be around strong chemical odors), crazy sweet/bread cravings, brain fogginess sometimes, migraines sometimes. As I said in the last post, I had a bad experience with a dermatologist, which soured me to going back to one. Yesterday, an acquaintance gave me her naturopath’s card and I am considering making an appointment.

What I am doing to combat: I am on the strict version of the diet. I did not do the Cleanse because I could not imagine doing so. I started taking Candida Clear and Ultimate Flora RTS Women’s Probiotic. I already ate a ton of garlic, but now I am eating even more (much to my fiance’s chagrin). To try to kill the yeast on my face, I am now moisturizing with olive oil with a few drops of tea tree oil. Then I will rub coconut oil on my lips for added moisture. I just shampooed today adding a few drops of tea tree oil added. I am staying on my birth control pills (Desogen generic) for the time being, because I just picked up new pillbacks a month back. I will be talking to my lady doc about another option when I see her later this fall.

Basically, this has been my life since Thursday. I have finished Day 3 of the strict diet and I have been having a hard time getting the 1,880 calories I need, so I have decided that I am going to eat poultry while I am on this diet. I’ll be on it until the Candida dieoff period is over. I just hope I can make it to that happening. I have seen pictures and it is gross. Anyways, hopefully my blog will be back to its normal fun self soon. For the moment, I’ll be eating a ton of vegetables, tsatsiki, duck, and mountains of garlic. Also, I will be pretending that chia seeds soaked in almond milk is “pudding” because I am craving sweets like there is no tomorrow. I have been so good, but I do not know how long I can do this.

Other than this whole skin/diet thing, I did have a bit of a life. I went with co-workers and the founder of the company I work for to the John Howard Association Annual Meeting/Luncheon. The guest speaker last year was great, but Pete Earley was even better. He spoke about his book Crazy: A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness, which he wrote about his son’s mental illness. We are going to have a book club at work to read the book because his speech was so thrilling. I got teary-eyed because there were moments in his son’s story that truly reminded me of Jeff. He explained how the system is broken in getting the mentally ill the help they so desperately need. Also of note: I went to see Angel Olsen/Cains and Abels/Mount Eerie last night at Co-Prosperity Sphere. Angel Olsen BLEW ME AWAY. She has such a unique and otherworldly voice and very feline features.

Let’s end on some really exciting news: Rhymes with Twee will have selected goods at the SMALL (Small Manufacturing Alliance) pop-up shop that will run at the Chicago Cultural Center from October 12th through January 1st. I dropped off my items to the organizer today. I am so thrilled to be a part of this! I can’t wait for the opening to see all of the other maker’s stuff. This reminds me a lot of DEPART-ment, which I miss so much. Huzzah!

Films watched 38th week of the year:

Father of Invention
Public Housing*
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold*


I have only wanted to watch documentaries lately. thought I wouldn’t be into The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, but it was quite enjoyable. I found myself belly laughing a ton. Fixation is a doc about fixed gear bicycle riders. It was terrible; just terrible. Strung together with no rhyme or reason. At least it was a shortie.

2012 Week 36: Rhymes with Tired


Renegade Craft Fair Chicago 2012 is over. It was a very successful year. The weather during the fair was lovely. My boothmate Shawna Smith and her booth helper were lovely and we had a good time over the weekend. I saw awesome friends and met great new people, as always. I debuted LAK lacquer. Winner of the drawing for $25 worth of Rhymes with Twee goods is Eileen D. and I have contacted her via email that she has won. As for me, I am bone tired. And now….sleep!

Films watched 36th week of the year:

Tiny Furniture
Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles*
Jane Eyre (2011)


Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles was excellent. If you like documentaries, this was a neat one addressing a very mysterious subject matter.