Z snapped this photo of me in front of my Rhymes with Twee booth at Urban Folk Circuit @ Logan Square Farmers Market. Met some lovely people today and ate yet another delicious grilled cheese sandwich from Gayle’s Best Grilled Cheese. I wish that Urban Folk Circuit could sell through the entire farmer’s market season. I heard that from a number of shoppers today what a good pairing it was and I agree!
This week: Went to dinner @ Bite with Anna. Hala Kahiki with Gretchen & Z. Made from Epicurious with strawberry sauce instead for a coworker’s bday. Dinner with Kimmi/Jon @ Quesadilla. Spin, spin. Worked on more tax stuff – I’m rounding the bend! Dinner with Z @ Thai Village. Sold @ Urban Folk Circuit. Also, I made this:

Sweet Potato Carrot Goat Cheese Mash Shepherd’s Pie from A Cozy Kitchen.
I bought nearly everything for this recipe at Plenty Grocery & Deli except for goat cheese which I had from Trader Joe’s. For the “meat”, I subbed in one pack of Upton’s Ground Seitan. I used sweet potatoes instead of russet potatoes in the topping. I used heavy cream in place of whole milk. I didn’t use any flour since I wasn’t using real meat. I used Annie’s worcestershire sauce and vegetable broth in place of beef broth. This was one of the best things I’ve ever made. Zachary loved it too. Thanks #instacookingclub!
Films watched 12th week of the year:
Dreams of a Life *
That Evening Sun
The Three Stooges: The Movie
North Sea, Texas ** [ Belgium ]
Girl 27 *
* documentary
** foreign language
North Sea, Texas was one of the best gay movies I have ever seen and I watch a lot of gay movies. A lot of them are terrible. This one was poignant, tender, and beautiful. Definitely a MUST-see.
I posted the following on my Facebook page: Just finished watching the documentary dreams of a life. Honestly, it was one of the most chilling things I have ever seen. To have someone in this day and age die and not be discovered in their flat for 3 years is unthinkable. To have no family or friends report her as missing, no one in her building report it, utilities not reporting it. My heart hurts for this poor girl. While watching, I couldn’t stop thinking about my friend jeff barszcz who took his life last may and posted about it on his blog so that his cats would be taken care of. if he hadn’t, how long would it have taken for him to be found? I knew only a handful of people had his newer address. It still saddens me there was never a obituary for him. I don’t even know how to end this post. I would love to talk to someone about it. Watch the film. It is on netflix streaming.
I have read a great deal about Steubenville and the judgment that came down. At this point, I have read something like 25 articles/blog posts. I have wept a lot this week because justice has not been served. Why is our society deteriorating in such a way? I also watched Girl 27 and it was a good bookend to the week. This week was all about strong women who did not deserve the hand they were dealt. Every day in every way, I am becoming a better feminist.