2013 Week 3: Pardon my partying.

La De Blog - Shuron Glasses

Got my new glasses from Labrabbit. They RULE and I love them.

5 parties. Took my third spin class. Got to catch up with Jenny and Jen at Lula. Fantastic weekend, but 5 parties [st. sebastian day, austin’s bday, jon & autumn’s schwarzenegger, liza’s pizza, eliza’s 30th] split between two days may be one too many parties.

Tweekly Make: Moosewood Kitchen chili made with Upton’s instead of TVP. I’ve been making it for years, but it never gets old.

Films watched 3rd week of the year:

Nate & Margaret
Somewhere Between *
Any Day Now
The Color of Pomegranates ** [Armenia]
The Running Man

** foreign language

I feel like a jerk, but I finally watched my friend Nathan’s film Nate & Margaret and it was quite good. It is streaming on Netflix. I am proud of him for making such a sweet, fun, bittersweet film. Favorite scene was definitely the mug scene towards the end.

Somewhere Between was an enjoyable documentary about Chinese girls who had been adopted by American families and are curious about their birth families/how they came to be adopted. It was directed by a woman who was adopting a Chinese girl herself and the film is dedicated to her daughter. Having been adopted myself and finding my birth mother, I felt a lot of empathy for the girls in the film, but I wish the director had delved deeper and opened some doors that we only saw a peek at that were then slammed closed.

Of note: I adapted my new year’s resolution from watching one foreign language film a week to watching a foreign language film from a different country every week. 52 different countries! This will happen. I would love to get recommendations for countries that will be hard to find films for. Countries knocked out so far: Japan, Italy, Armenia, Russia! Only 48 to go!

2012 Week 29: “Try to make sense, but it always comes out absurd.”

Choosing a wedding appropriate outfit.

This week:

  • Went out to pizza with Chris Begeny, Eliza, Mike, Alvar, and Z.
  • Saw my friends Jessica and Mike get married in PGH.
  • Got the acceptance email into DIY Trunk Show!
  • Ate a stupid amount of delicious food in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
  • In Berea on Friday morning, while Z was readying himself for the day, I checked Twitter. Everyone was abuzz about something that happened in Aurora, CO, but no one had posted links, so I started googling. I lay in bed reading for the better part of an hour. I could not pull my eyes away from my phone. It felt like the day that I found out that Jeff had killed himself. It is impossible to make sense of such tragedy. I feel such grief for those who were there that night and their loved ones. Having recently watched ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’, I find myself thinking about how his family is able to deal with this. Second guessing everything they did while raising him. Wondering if somehow it is their fault. Looking at his younger photos and reading what type of a person he was, he seems like a few dudes I have been friends with. I can’t help but wonder what clicked the button inside of him to do this. Chilling. I saw The Dark Knight Rises Friday night in Middleburg Heights, OH. The theatre was 3/4 empty on opening night. What happened in Aurora could have happened anywhere. It could happen any day. We can’t let things like this dictate our lives. This is why it is important to hug those you love often. Friends, if I haven’t told you lately that I love you, I do.

    >>>>> ROAD TRIP MUSIC <<<<<

      Chicago –> Berea

    The Pipettes – We Are the Pipettes
    God Help the Girl – s/t
    Bjork – Post
    Fever Ray – s/t
    Mirah – you think it’s like this but really it’s like this
    Black Tambourine – Complete Recordings
    Love is All – Nine Times That Same Song

      Berea –> Pittsburgh

    Neutral Milk Hotel – In the Aeroplane over the Sea
    Sparklehorse – Vivadixiesubmarinetramsmissionplot
    Super Furry Animals – Guerilla

      Pittsburgh –> Berea

    Weezer – s/t (blue album)
    The Clash – London Calling

      Berea –> Chicago

    The Thermals – Fuckin’ A
    Comp. – Numero Group 001 – Eccentric Soul: The Capsoul Label
    Comp. – Numero Group 003 – Eccentric Soul: The Bandit Label
    Vivian Girls – All the Time
    Monks – Early Years 1964-65
    Gold Bears – Are You Falling In Love?
    Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream

    Films watched 29th week of the year:

    Titicut Follies*
    The Dark Knight Rises


    2012 Week 27: “in love. independence day. two clenched fists in the air, chanting “U-S-A!””

    Jason Anderson @ Den Theatre

    What a week, even with the holiday in the middle:

  • Super busy week at work
  • Saw my buddy Jason Anderson and Steven Gilpin play the Den Theatre (see above) – seeing Jason is always just what I needed
  • Did my first Katniss photoshoot and the postcards that resulted will be for sale in the shop as soon as they arrive – Katniss + Cupcakes = adorable
  • Finally ate at Bullhead Cantina – so delicious and they were playing the Superchunk channel on Pandora
  • Saw Black Lips at West Fest
  • Tilda had an appointment with a behaviorist and was issued Reconcile (doggy prozac)
  • On the 4th, I made up my mind that I would eat poultry once a month and I ordered southern fried chicken tacos from Bullhead on GrubHub. It came and I popped a little piece of chicken into my mouth as Z delivered an ill-timed joke. I started sobbing uncontrollably because I know that I want to go fully vegetarian, but I am battling my human cravings. The tiny bite of chicken I had was not even good to me. I ended up not eating the two chicken tacos and had Z eat them. Then we watched Vegucated. It was the best movie I’ve watched about vegetarianism/veganism. It was lighthearted, but provided lots of great information in a palatable manner. Definitely a good one to watch if you are considering going vegetarian/vegan. I know I’ll have setbacks, but I’ll get there.

    I am going to Kentucky for a work trip tomorrow through Wednesday. I am thrilled to be seeing in person what my team does every day. I packed a bunch of energy bars just in case because I am really not sure if I’ll be able to find enough veggie stuff for me. Psyched for the experience though and to see a few members of my team again!

    Films watched 27th week of the year:

    Take Shelter
    We Need to Talk About Kevin
    Gone with the Wind
    The End of August
    Ellie’s Head

    Lots of great movies this week! Saw our friend Tim’s movie The End of August at Logan Theater and ran into Veronica from Gaudi in the Lounge. Turns out her husband Paul was the star of the movie. What a small, weird, and wonderful world we live in.

    2012 Week 17: “Say goodbye to all your friends.”

    I ate far too many meals out this week, but most of the time I used my calories wisely. Above is the exception. The photo was taken of my chicken & waffle (no bacon) lunch at Inspiration Kitchen. Chicagoans, take note: this is not only a place to get a delicious meal, but by dining there, you are supporting a wonderful cause. I got to witness another awesome cause in action right before my co-workers and I ate lunch there: Fresh Moves. Fresh Moves is a converted CTA bus that serves as a mobile produce market that goes from food desert to food desert, supplying affordable vegetables where there are none available. My birthday is coming up on 5/10. I don’t want anything for my birthday, but if you want to spend money on me, please donate to Fresh Moves here instead.

    This week, my friend Brandy said goodbye to the midwest and headed down to San Antonio for a new job that sounds perfect for her. It seems like a mass exodus is happening with friends/acquaintances leaving the Chicago-area. Everyone has good reasons, but what a bummer!

    I am once again at my lowest weight. I swear to you, if you want to lose weight, My Fitness Pal, helps so much! Holding myself accountable is what has really worked for me. Also, having my friends egg me on has been motivational.

    Also of note: We went to see our friend Derek’s theatre company, Chicago dell’Arte perform Comm-80s-a. A very fun and short show if you loved 80’s movies and well-choreographed dance numbers!

    Films watched 17th week of the year:

    Candyman: The David Klein Story*
    Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement*
    Leaves of Grass


    This week there was only one dud and it was Leaves of Grass. Every other movie was fulfilling and worthwhile in different ways. Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement was the clear winner this week. Seeing people so genuinely in love makes me so happy. I bawled my eyes out. Anyone who believes that being gay is a “choice” should see this movie. It is rare that I see straight people love one another the way that Edie & Thea do in this documentary. If you like food history, then you should see Candyman: The David Klein Story. David Klein got the short end of the Jelly Belly. Zachary and I went to the Jelly Belly factory in WI and they literally had written him out of their history on the tour we went on. David Klein has a new gourmet line of jelly beans here if you’d like to support the real genius with the jelly belly.

    2012 Week 15: Creativi-twee

    Super productive week. Got my taxes done and saw that One Strange Bird was right across the street, so I finally dropped in. Awesome little shop. Because of stopping by, I made the connection that a class I had been considering taken was taught there! So, on Saturday, I took my first Dabble class: Linocut printmaking taught by owner Nicole Northway. The above photo is a picture of the lino block I carved and the prints that resulted from it. I predict many lino blocks in Rhymes with Twee’s future. At work, I noticed that one of the screws from my glasses was coming out and a simple tiny screwdriver wasn’t cutting it. I ended up having to drop in to Labrabbit, where Coyote fixed them! Coyote also showed me great frames made in the USA!

    Films watched 15th week of the year:

    Bending All the Rules
    Into the Abyss*
    ADULT.’s Three Grace(s) Triptych
    Source Code
    Truly Madly Deeply
    Today’s Special


    CIMMfest made it possible for me to see the film Three Graces that ADULT. made and then played the score live to. It was unnerving; like Matthew Barney meets Alejandro Jodorowsky but with a 99% female cast. Though I was certain I was going to have nightmares afterwards, I somehow avoided them. I am watching Today’s Special right now and I need to go eat some Indian food ASAP.

    2012 Week 14: Happy Anniversa-twee!

    Z and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary twice this week. On our actual anniversary (Monday), we went to our beloved Bite because we wanted to do something on the actual day and it was lovely, as always. While we were in the DC area for the Chickfactor shows, we went to a fancy dinner at Birch & Barley. It was one of *the* best meals of my life. Stuff of dreams was my appetizer: ricotta dumplings wrapped in duck prosciutto with fried capers and olives and there are two elements I am missing. Creamy and salty and the texture was just amazing. Duck as my entree was excellent also, but I wasn’t wild about the wild rice on the side. The goat milk cheesecake was flawless. One of the pricier meals we have eaten, but definitely worth every single penny and then some. Photos are above. You should probably have a napkin handy to wipe the drool from your mouth.

    RE: Chickfactor at Artisphere (Arlington, VA). Seeing Stevie Jackson and Black Tambourine were the highlights for me. Spending time with Z and my family and friends this weekend was fun-filled and we ate and drank like kings every day. Truth: I ate duck Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We got a nice long walk with my parents in over the weekend, but not much other exercise. We are definitely going back to Lean Cuisines and Wii-ing every day this week!

    Films watched 14th week of the year:

    Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
    The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia*
    Sleeping With the Enemy


    Being so busy, we didn’t have a whole lot of time to watch films, but all of them were enjoyable in their own way. This is definitely a must-watch doc and it’s on Netflix instant viewing!

    2012 Week 13: Beware the bun buns

    These bunnies were spotted wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. Police are advising keeping carrots on your person at all time to distract them from attacking.

    Lots of awesome friend’s birthdays this week. I failed at being able to sing Billy Bragg’s ‘A New England’ at my friend Megan’s birthday, but I succeeded later in the week. I applied for my first craft fair of 2012 this year; for Urban Folk Circuit @ Schubas in May. Cross your fingers! I’m fighting against a cold I’m pretty sure that was tipped off by biking to work on a freezing day dressed inappropriately. Lately I’ve been researching natural remedies rather than reaching for a medicine first. So, for my sore throat I’ve been gargling and then drinking water with 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper. It actually chases away some of the soreness. As a result, haven’t gotten to work out very much for the past few days.

    Tomorrow is Zachary and my 6 year anniversary! Next weekend we’re heading back to DC for the Arlington, VA Chickfactor show to celebrate. It’s great to be in love with your best friend.

    Films watched 13th week of the year:

    Gates of Heaven*
    In Time
    All That Heaven Allows
    My Week with Marilyn


    This week, I watched a great deal of Shark Tank and not a lot of films. Gates of Heaven was my favorite of the week. It is a charming documentary and I connected with many of the people interviewed about the deep connection they felt to their pets. I was actually surprised to know that pet cemeteries have been around that long. In Time was a great premise, but it fell short. I felt like part of the film was yanked from one of my recent faves Timer.