Crafter Crush: My Zoetrope (Michelle Cavigliano)

Tonight while I was searching Etsy for Hoggle’s competition in other hedgehog items, I found the shop of Michelle Cavigliano, aka My Zoetrope. After spending a full hour ogling the goods she makes and checking out her awesome blog mostly about the vegan food she cooks, a crafter crush was born. She has a wide-range of styles, but my favorites are, of course, the big eyed girls like Solitude in Poppies, and the cutesy doodles. A s’more cowering from its fate, vegetables dressed for the Christmas season (funny because she also has a Christmas broccoli but very different from my Rhymes with Twee card), and a double popsicle named Ms. Cici dressed up in her beachy best. Zachary and I spent a long time laughing at the silliness of it all. I sure do love silly, but those who blend fine art with silly are my faves.

S’mores card (part of blank notecard set) by My ZoetropeVeggies 4-piece ornament set by My Zoetrope

Solitude in Poppies by My ZoetropeMs. Cici by My Zoetrope

Tromp to the trope: