2013 Week 52: Goodbye, Twenty Thir-twee-n!

La De Blog - Malortament
Christmas Malörtament made by Eliza

This last two days of the year: Lunch with Arline @ Urban Belly. NYE @ Shanleys, where Malört-dog was born and apparently I started a band with Tim C.

Films watched 52nd week of the year:

Despicable Me 2
Deceptive Practice *
Dreams of Dust ** [ Burkina Faso ]

* documentary

No reason that it was only D films for the last week of 2013. Last foreign film of 2013, Dreams of Dust, was incredible. Glad I ended it on a high note. I am very glad I embarked on this project and I highly recommend others to do it also; one film from a different foreign language country per week. You can do it! I’m going to post a wrap with all of them in one post soon, so there is a guideline if anyone else decides to tackle this journey.

Despicable Me 2 was not as good as the first, but it was exactly what I needed at the time Z and I watched it. Deceptive Practice was fun and Ricky Jay is freaking amazing. I would LOVE to see him perform one day. Magician Bucket list!

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