The quote is from one of my favorite Radiohead songs, A Reminder. This post is a day late because I was at Radiohead yesterday. Thanks again heaps and HEAPS to Sparkletone for the face value ticket. We ended up buying another one on StubHub, so the scalpers did not entirely win. It was a good show, but I am spoiled having seen them 22 times prior. The light show was completely incredible though. The crowd definitely soured my experience. There were more people smoking weed than I have ever experienced before in my life. I’ve been to a ridiculous number of shows. Whenever I am around smoke, I start coughing up a lung. A guy completely invaded my space when he had his own. I told him so and he didn’t even look back and instead gave me a thumbs up. Yes, he heard me. I reacted by having a panic attack and almost had to leave the pit entirely. I dug my nails into my fists and powered through it. I ended up being fine, but it was really hard for the first 20 minutes. Back in the day, Radiohead fans were so respectful and really cared about one another. Sure, there would be a jerk once in awhile, but the diehard fans used to stick together and jerks like this wouldn’t have broken the lines. This sounds like I am an old lady and in a lot of ways I am, but I really miss seeing Radiohead in the old days.
Compare the –>
Setlist from yesterday [June 10th, 2012 @ First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, Tinley Park, IL]
01 Bloom
02 There There
03 15 Step
04 Kid A
05 Staircase
06 Morning Mr Magpie
07 The Gloaming
08 Codex
09 The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
10 Karma Police
11 Reckoner
12 Lotus Flower
13 Myxomatosis
14 Feral
15 Little By Little
16 Idioteque
17 Separator
18 Full Stop (live debut)
19 Bodysnatchers
20 The One I Love/Everything In Its Right Place
21 Give Up The Ghost
22 Identikit
23 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
24 Street Spirit (Fade Out)
with the –>
Setlist from the best show of my life [August 12th, 1997 @ 9:30 Club, Washington, D.C.]
01 Fitter Happier
02 Lucky
03 Just
04 Airbag
05 Planet Telex
06 Bullet Proof.. I Wish I Was
07 Climbing Up The Walls
08 No Surprises
09 Bones
10 Electioneering
11 Fake Plastic Trees
12 Paranoid Android
13 My Iron Lung
14 Exit Music (for a film)
15 (Nice Dream)
16 The Bends
17 Talk Show Host
18 Lurgee
19 Karma Police
20 Street Spirit (fade out)
21 Motion Picture Soundtrack
22 The Tourist
23 You
I mean, those are some high standards to live up to. It was the first time they had played Motion Picture Soundtrack to an audience. There are lots of others that eclipse yesterday’s show, but that mostly has to do with enjoying shows with my crazy Radiohead #gurlee friends. Z loves Radiohead, but not the way that Brianne, Karyn, Nancy, Natalia, and I do. The way that lalalaini did.
When friends and co-workers ask me how the wedding planning is going, I should just link to this entry. I am too busy to plan right now. Last week I hosted LCB’s 30th bday ice cream social, grilled with Amanda and Derek, went to the dentist, was taken out to a 1-year at work anniversary lunch, said goodbye to our AMAZING temp at work who moved to LA, went to a friend’s whiskey and pie 30th bday party, went to Constructor Craft Fair (the curation was great, but I am still bummed I was rejected), went to Chicago’s Home of Chicken and Waffles, updated my Etsy shop, and applied for Renegade Chicago. Everyone cross your fingers that I get into RCF Chicago; one of my favorite and best shows. I especially have a soft spot for it because it was the first craft show I ever did all the way back in September 2005!
Also, mysteriously, Tilda’s ailments have disappeared and she has been a tad less nutso.
Films watched 23rd week of the year:
Dark Days*
American Pyscho
Ghost Rider
Believe it or not, Z rented the last two from the library. Ghost Rider was exquisitely horrible and unbelievably boring.