La De Blog - RWT Booth Set-Up @ Urban Folk Circuit (Schubas)
I accomplished some good things this week, but there were moments that I realized I had been staring into space thinking about losing Jeff. His death helped put things into perspective for me and I am going to try to take positive steps forward for myself and those that I love.
Prepared duck (roasted duck breast) for the first time.
Made chocolate cake and chocolate buttercream frosting from scratch.
Planted my container garden.
Went to Dan Cordinated’s balloon-filled birthday party.
Did my first craft fair of the year (Urban Folk Circuit @ Schubas)
Got to hang out with some awesome ladies at Urban Folk Circuit: Mother of Hermes and Red Ava
Did a whole lot of Tilda training.
Films watched 20th week of the year:
Drive Angry
The Avengers
Bomb It*